

ojob ojob.io/db/data file=/a/file.ndjson type=ndjson jdbc=jdbc:h2:stuff class=org.h2.Driver user=sa pass=sa table=data sql="select count(*) cnt from data" dontcreate=true 


Ingests data from a file or stdin, stores it on a database (in memory or not) and queries it.


Name Description
file The file to be ingested
type The type of data to be ingested through stdin between ndjson, json, yaml, slon, csv, xml (defaults to ndjson)
jdbc The database JDBC URL to use (defaults to create a memory database)
class The JDBC driver class to use (defaults to H2)
user The database user to use (defaults to "sa")
pass The database password to use (defaults to "sa")
table The table name to use (defaults to "data")
sql The SQL query to execute over the database defined.
dontcreate If true, the table will not be created if it doesn't exist