

ojob ojob.io/docker/nginx url=http://host:1234 path=. port=8080 websocket=true auth=user:password ssl=example sslvalid=1440 sslsize=4096 start=true docker=true 


Generates a nginx and a docker-compose configuration to use nginx as a reverse proxy or starts a docker-based reverse proxy


Name Description
url The URL to which the reverse proxy should point (e.g. http://host:1234)
path The path where the nginx configuration should be placed (default ".")
port The port to access the nginx reverse proxy (default 8080)
websocket If websocket=true nginx reverse proxy websocket support will be included
auth Use a login and password to access the reverse proxy split with ":" (e.g. user:password)
ssl Generate self-signed SSL certificate with the provided cn
sslvalid The number of minutes the self-signed certificate will be valid for (1440 minutes)
sslsize The self-signed certificate key length to use (defaults to 4096)
start If start=true no docker-compose will be generated but a container will be started
docker If docker=true no docker-compose but the command for start=true will be output