

ojob ojob.io/email/send server=smtp.gmail.com from=my.address@email.com subject="my subject" to=user1@email.com,user2@email.com,user3@email.com cc=user1@email.com,user2@email.com,user3@email.com bcc=user1@email.com,user2@email.com,user3@email.com cred=login:password debug=true usemd=true attach=true embed=true html=myhtml.html text=mytxt.txt md=mymd.md 


Sends an email with the piped (__pm) contents


Name Description
server The SMTP server to use
from The email from address
subject The email subject
to The email to address list separated by commas
cc The email cc address list separated by commas
bcc The email bcc address list separated by commas
cred The email credentials to use
debug If debug=true the email sending debug will be turned on
usemd If usemd=true and the contents is an array will parse as a markdown table
attach A comma delimeted list of filepaths to attach the email
embed A comma delimeted list of filepaths to embed in the email
html A HTML file to send (if defined piped (__pm) will be ignored)
text A text content to send (if defined piped (__pm) will be ignored)
md A markdown file to send (if defined piped (__pm) will be ignored)