

ojob ojob.io/es/export url=http://some.url:12345 output=export user=user pass=mypass idx=^myindex- force=true filter=field1:abc,field2:xyz notfilter=field1:abc,field2:xyz from="Fri Mar 04 2022 01:02:03 GMT-0000 (UTC)" to="Wed Mar 02 2022 02:03:04 GMT-0000 (UTC)" 


Export all (or selected) indices from an ElasticSearch/OpenSearch instance to ndjson files


Name Description
url The ElasticSearch/OpenSearch instance URL
output The output folder where the ndjson files will be created
user The user credential, if necessary, to access the cluster
pass The password credential, if necessary, to access the cluster
idx A regular expression filter for the indices to export (otherwise all will be exported)
force If force=true it will not check if there is a previous ndjson file for each index
filter Comma separated pairs of field value filters (for example: "field1:abc,field2:xyz")
notfilter Comma separated pairs of field value not filters (for example: "field1:abc,field2:xyz")
from Date greater-than or equal
to Date lower-than or equal