

ojob ojob.io/httpServers/EasyHTTPSd port= path= uri= keyf= keyp= cn= keyv= keys= 


Starts a very simple HTTPS server on the provided port with a simple file browser


Name Description
port The port to use (default to 8888).
path The path from which to browse files (default to '.').
uri The default URI to use (default to '/').
keyf The java keystore file to use (defaults to easyHTTPS.jks)
keyp The java keystore file password (defaults to easyHTTPS).
cn If provided it will generate a self-signed certificate using the canonical name (hostname of ip.address).
keyv The number of minutes the self-signed certificate will be valid for (1440 minutes)
keys The self-signed certificate key length to use (defaults to 4096)