

ojob ojob.io/java/certs op=list keystore=jssecacerts host=a.sample.host port=443 file=somecert.cer timeout=10000 pass=changeit notall=false addn=0 


Tests if the SSL/TLS certificate in a host:port is trusted or not for an optional provided keystore. If not, it will retrieve the corresponding certificate and add it to a Java keystore. Optionally you can provide the file certificate to add.


Name Description
op The operation to perform (e.g. list, test, save, add)
keystore The keystore that will be used. Defaults to existing jssecacerts or "new_jssecacerts" if a new is created.
host When op=test or op=add the host to test connectivity to
port When op=test or op=add the port to test connectivity to
file If provided will use the certificate on the provided file
timeout When op=test or op=add the timeout (in ms) connecting to host and port to test and retrieve the certificate (defaults to 10000ms)
pass The keystore password if one is defined (defaults to "changeit")
notall Forces not to include all known certificates (this should only be used in very specific situations)
addn When op=add don't add all certificates but just the certificate on the position addn (starts in 0, refer to the list provided with op=list)