

ojob ojob.io/java/download list=true os=linux arch=x64 version=11 type=jre output=jre.tgz jvm=hotspot heap=normal repack=true 


Download a portable Java JRE/JDK package


Name Description
list If list=true will list of options by version and type
os The operating system (e.g. linux, mac, windows, …)
arch The architecture (e.g. x64, aarch64, arm, …)
version The java version (e.g. 8, 11, 17, …)
type The java type (e.g. jre, jdk)
output The output file package (e.g. jre.tgz)
jvm The type of JVM (e.g. hotspot, openj9)
heap The JVM heap size (e.g. normal, large)
repack If repack==false no folder repacking will be performed (only supported in linux)