

ojob ojob.io/java/gc file=/tmp/hsperfdata_somebody/12345 cmd="cat /tmp/hsperfdata_somebody/12345" filter=sun.gc.metaspace.maxCapacity,sun.gc.metaspace.capacity,sun.gc.metaspace.used path=java.__mem interval=1000 fields=mused:sun.gc.metaspace.used,mcap:sun.gc.metaspace.capacity template= type=mem output=gcData.ndjson.gz 


Parses Java HS performance information (including GC)


Name Description
file The JAVA HS performance file to parse (e.g /tmp/hsperfdata_somebody/12345). If not provided and cmd is not provided it will used STDIN.
cmd Command to run to obtain the JAVA HS performance file contents. If not provided and file is not provided it will used STDIN.
filter Comma delimited list of json paths to show
path JSON path to use as the root path
interval If defined starts reading data for the defined ms interval (e.g 1000 = 1s)
fields If specified only the output fields will be renamed and remapped from the comma delimited list (example: "mused:sun.gc.metaspace.used,mcap:sun.gc.metaspace.capacity")
template An OpenAF template to use to output data (you can use OpenAF's main, format and conditional helpers)
type If defined sets a pre-defined list of arguments and fields (see ojob's init.types for details)
output Outputs to a ndjson.gz file