

ojob ojob.io/kube/criOps op=list node=node-1,node-2 ns=kube-system name=imglist jobimg=nmaguiar/imgutils image=library/nginx:latest socket=/run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock crio=true 


Given a Kubernetes cluster tries to perform crictl operations such as list, remove, prune and pull images in one or all nodes.


Name Description
op The operation to perform: list, pull, rmi, prune, interactive
node If defined the crictl command will only be applied to a specific node name (or specific nodes if a list comma delimited)
ns The namespace where jobs will be created to perform the crictl commands
name The prefix of the jobs that will be created to perform the crictl commands
jobimg Use a different container image with crictl
image The image to be used in op=rmi or op=pull
socket The path to containerd socket if the node is different from /run/container.d/containerd.sock (e.g. k3s: /run/k3s/containerd/containerd.sock; os: /var/run/crio/crio.sock; eks/gke/aks: /run/containerd/containerd.sock)
crio If crio=true it will use the cri-o socket (e.g. OpenShift) instead of the containerd.