

ojob ojob.io/kube/prometheus2 grafana=true apply=true delete=true ns=default usePV=true usePVC=true grafanaSize=8Gi prometheusSize=8Gi 


Generates a quick K8S deployment with prometheus and, optionally, grafana.


Name Description
grafana If grafana=true grafana will be added.
apply Boolean that if true indicates it should try to apply in K8S directly (otherwise just outputs YAML)
delete Boolean that if true indicates that it should try to result of a previous apply in K8S directly
ns K8S namespace where the apply or delete operation should be executed
usePV Boolean that if true will create host paths PVs in /tmp (change the YAML later as needed)
usePVC Boolean that if true will create PVCs to store prometheus (and grafana) data
grafanaSize The grafana database size (for PV)
prometheusSize The prometheus database size (for PV)