

ojob ojob.io/s3/ops op=help 


Performs a S3 operation over the provided server connection details.
Available operations:

buckets - List the available buckets.
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=buckets

mkbucket - Creates a new bucket.
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=mkbucket bucket=mynewbucket

rmbucket - Remove an existing a bucket.
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=rmbucket bucket=myoldbucket

ls - List objects in a bucket (optionally 'remote' prefix and full metadata (slower))
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=ls bucket=mybucket remote=my/folder/ full=true recursive=true

put - Put a file in a bucket.
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=put bucket=mybucket local=my/folder/file.txt remote=my/list/file.txt

get - Get an object from a bucket.
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=get bucket=mybucket remote=my/list/file.txt local=my/folder/file.txt

mput - Put several files in a bucket.
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=mput bucket=mybucket local=list remote=my/list

mget - Get several files from a bucket.
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=mget bucket=mybucket remote=my/list local=list

sput - Snowball put several files in a bucket (requires snowball compatibility)
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=sput bucket=mybucket local=list remote=my/list

cp - Copies an object from a source bucket to a target bucket (can be the same using the bucket argument).
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=cp sourceBucket=original targetBucket=target source=my/file.txt target=archive/file.txt

mv - Moves an object from a source bucket to a target bucket (can be the same using the bucket argument).
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=cp sourceBucket=original targetBucket=target source=my/file.txt target=archive/file.txt

rm - Removes an object from a bucket.
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=rm bucket=mybucket remote=my/list/file.txt

rmdir - Removes objects based on prefix from a bucket.
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=rm bucket=mybucket remote=my/list/

syncRemote - Syncs files on a local folder with a remote prefix on a target bucket (deleting/overwriting remotely as needed)
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=syncremote bucket=mybucket local=. remote=my/list go=true

syncLocal - Syncs files on to a local folder from a remote prefix on a target bucket (deleting/overwriting locally as needed)
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=synclocal bucket=mybucket local=. remote=my/list go=true

sync - Syncs files between a local folder and a remote prefix on a target bucket (overwrites locally and remotely as needed)
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=sync bucket=mybucket local=. remote=my/list go=true

stat - Retrieves the object metadata.
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops … op=stat bucket=mybucket remote=my/lisT/file.txt


Use a $sec for an S3 object:
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops secRepo=… secBucket=… secPass=… secKey=…

Set a new $sec for an S3 object:
ojob ojob.io/sec/ops op=setobj secobj=s3.s3 secbucket=… seckey=… secrepo=… secpass=…

Use directly (not secure):
ojob ojob.io/s3/ops url=… accessKey=… secret=… region=…


Name Description
op The operation to perform